Monday, April 30, 2012

Hek eleyh....

ade satu hari tu aku balik rumah...
smpai2 je rumah adik aku bgtw die ade bnde nak kasi aku tgk..
die pon bkk la Propaganza yg die dah rakam kat astro tu tnjuk kat aku..
ade la satu local band ni tgh promote album baru diorg..
dlu aku suke la jgk dgr lagu diorg ni..
x sume la aku suke tp boleh la nk lyn...

ttbe bile dah smpai last minute interview diorg tu...
boleh pulak si main vocal group tu kuar statement..
"NYANYI MIMING....STAKAT MENARI2 JE"(ko igt sng nk nyanyi smbil menari?)

panas siot gua dgr...
lu nak promote album lu promote j la..
x pyh nk trash org lain..
gua tw la lu jeles kpop tgh mndpt smbutan skrang ni...
tp lu x pyh la nk ckp lebih2..
mcm la lu tu kenal sgt kpop artist in and out...
lu tw ke brape taon diorg hidup susah jd trainee nk jd kpop idol??
ni lu sng2 j nk kutuk2...

bile mamat ni ckp gtu kan..
aku jd nyampah pulak dgn band die...
da la lagu sume lbh kureng j rentak die...
nyanyi pon die jerit2 smpai jugular veins kt tengkuk die tu mcm nk pecah aku tgk...
suare sdap sikit la dari kucing...(ok aku tipu sore die blh la tahan)
pastu nyanyi lagu melayu tp nak ade feeling2 omputih...
kononnye die pan-asian la English is my mother tongue man.....pfffff....

nasihat :
lain kali kalau nk promote album jgn la trash org lain..
x pasal2 ktorg da hilang mnt nk check out album baru ko...
aku bkn x sokong artis tempatan..aku sokong..
cume band ko la aku x sokong

Haha aku rase msti rmai org dpt detect band ape la yg aku hangin ni kan...
kalo ade fan2 diorg bace entry ni..
mntak maap la ye...
aku xnk pon kutuk diorg ni..
tp dah diorg sakitkan hati aku...
tepakse la aku balas kan...

so utk membuktikan kpop artist x miming mcm yg mamat tu ckp...
meh tgk video ni..
ni kumpulan baru debut...x smpai sebulan pon lagi...
name mereke... BTOB...junior kpd B2ST dan 4Minute
diorg artist baru pon nyanyi lagi sedap kot dari mamat tu...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

apa lagi yang saya mahu?

Korang penah x rasa mcm nk ubah jd org lain..
Korang penah x rase mcm korang dah tesilap buat pilihan..contoh nye terpilih course kt U yg korang igtkan korang minat tp bile dah amik ttbe rase "alamak watdehel la aku pegi amik course ni dulu"...


Saye mmg dari kecik lagi nak jd doktor..ape x nye..ayah saye dok sebut2 "blaja rerajin, da besa nnti jd doktor" sampai saye igtkan dah x ade pekerjaan lain dlm dunie ni slain doktor....punyela naif...budak la katekan...

Sekarang ni saye dah 4 tahun jd budak medik....nerd j...ok tipu, saye x nerd.... Skang dah masuk posting ke-3 dah ni..dok ngadap wanita mengandung dan bayi2 mereka...Seronok mmg seronok... Dpt tgk baby yg kiut miut hari2... sape x suke kan....

Tp kan bile bab kene pegi labour room untuk conduct delivery..uh berat nye hati...tahu x kenape? Kami ibarat melukut di tepian gantang... Sedih woo... Most of people in the labour room macam benci j kat kami..Padahal kami dtg utk belajar...Kami akan jd doktor jugak satu hari mereke2 yg bekerja dkt labour room tu....mcm x ikhlas j dlm pekerjaan...muke masam.. taw nak marah je...igt kitorng ni x ade perasaan....macam la kitorg ni kucing...

Sejak masuk the city of the damn tu... tiap2 hari saye tanye diri...betul ke pilihan aku amik medic? Boleh ke aku tahan sume shitty crap mcm labour room situation nih... Tp ade jugak suare dlm hati cakap "tak ape... benda baik x slalu datang bergolek" Make saya ttp tabahkan hati jejakkan kaki ke labour room buat muke dinding..kalau kene marah or kene sindir..pekak kan telinge walaupon hati membara

walau pon nasib saye x berapa saye ttp rase bersyukur... yela... saye ade kawan2..ade mak ayah... sume orang sokong saye...diorang doakan saye berjaya.... Cube bayangkan orang yg ade dkt Palestin tu...mesti ade jugak yg nak sambung belajar nak jd doktor tp hasrat x tercapai... Dugaan mereka jauh lagi besar dari ape yg saye hadapi sekarang ni... Saye pulak baru kene acah sikit dah melatah...dah rase nk give-up... Dok dalam negara yg aman damai, makan minum pakai sume cukup...kalo still rase x boleh nk bersyukur lagi, maka selalu lah bertanye pada diri anda...


Saturday, January 14, 2012

MBLAQ's 4th Mini Album is out!!

to dearest fellow A+ have u guys listened to MBLAQ's new mini album yet??
i'm sure all of you have listened to "It's War" and "Scribble" right...
i'm gonna make my review of their album based on MY OPINION...

the 1st song in this mini album is Run..
i must say i really diggin' it..
its a BADASS song that is worth listening to..
it got Rain's Ranism swag but in MBLAQ style...
totally love the got-swag-bit of this song...

the 2nd song is, well their title song and they are currently promoting it now, "It's War" (전쟁이야)
since this is their title song, of course it is a GREAT song!!
and the MV...asdfghjklasgetwirue!!! you MUST watch it!!
i never knew that dorkly Lee Joon-shi love~ly can made me cried with his intense acting!!
like seriously...that MV is a perfect start of 2012....

the 3rd song is "Scribble" (낙서)...
its a ballad...usually i dont really like MBLAQ's ballad except for Cry (i epicly love Cry)
but somehow i'm eating up Scribble..
i think its a good ballad to balance the intensity they showed in Run and Its War...
so yeah....good job on that

the 4th song is "She's Breathtaking" (아찔한 그녀) 
its a happy song...i havent see the translation yet but from its melody i can feel that its a happy song..
u can hear Mir trolling in it as in "모르겠어요" from their previous mini album, Mona Lisa..
and the 5th song is "Hello My Ex" yeah i know the title is a bit.........duuuhhh....
but again i havent see the translatian yet but i supposed it is a song to "an ex-lover"
to be honest i'm not really favour the last 2 song but who knows they will grow on me later...

so guys..if u havent listened to them yet...go now..
as an A+ lets support our boys by buying their album LEGALLY
lets do all we can so that MBLAQ can win with this comeback...

p/s : i really hate SeungHo's hairstyle..
i feel like bitchslapping the hairstylist that made that fucken ugly hairstyle for SeungHo...really!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

chilling my nerve with this DOPE kpop song..


[Rap 1]
An irresponsible parents and abandoned children,
Teachers who hits students and students who report to an office,
Stars get dumped because of their slip of the tongue,
And Celebrities are standing between unfavorable and favorable.
netizens who come up with assaulting and blaming,
and who deliver love, cheer and touch our emotions.

Politicians filled with corrupt and greed,
Citizens fighting and asking their lives for whom.
Enterprises promise to rebuild masses' economic,
Laborer claim their right to survive. 
Rich can't bring themselves as "Rich" and poverty goes down to their childs. 
The lost happiness in our living world, can be found in very tiny thing and we realize. 
LAUGH! when u r tired, and walk with us. LAUGH! when u r tired, and walk with us. [Hook]

Why does it keep changing? and why does it keep changing?
Why does it keep changing? (why hate each other)
Why does it keep changing? and why does it keep changing?
Why does it keep changing? (why being mean to other)

[Rap 2]
Small discord between two people,
makes murder because they couldn't put up with their selfishness.
Communications with parents and childs vanished,
Relationship around the family, keep falling down.

Lovers have lack of confidence, and lack of love transform into distrust. 
Friends are being too busy themselves and forget even their faces. 
Love makes smiles one after another. 
One help gathers the strength to us. 
The lost happiness in our living world, can be found in very tiny thing and we realize. 
When u feel hard, nothing matter, just laugh! 
U just need to believe that u can do it! 
it's just the way i am that is mong who i am! [Hook rep.]

[Rap 3] 
A Solitude Elderly who humbles about his life. 
and an Old lady who donates her whole fortune to orphanage. 
This world is not still that dark, The light which cover us up is always with us. 
i'm being ashamed while writing this lyrics. yes. now i can start to feel it. 
u'll b alone if u can't. Every-one is same. 
I don't wanna be alone. I don't wanna be alone. [Hook rep.]

LOLing forever at some people...

i dont get it...
why some people (bloggers) are like stereotyping us, the kpop fans as fanatic, idiotic, blind etc juz bcoz we love kpop and kpop idols? i dont see the harm by liking kpop....

1- eventho i'm a full time kpop fan...and yeah i'm addicted to it...i've never failed in my exams (i'm a 4th year medical student)..ok i'm not bragging but these is the proof... a lot of my fellow same-course friends are kpop lovers...and trust me we arent the low-graded fact some of us are the top 10 student in our batch.. listening to kpop help us to release our stress when we were mentally tired with all the studies and lectures and the scoldings....
2- most of people stereotyped us as fanatics....asal kpop j..fanatic....boring betul...mcm la mereka tu kenal siapa kami inside and out.... Lepas tu mule la nak masuk hal agama...that is the part that i hate the most... its not like we love kpop we'll forget our religion...seriously la people.... we're not that STU~PID ok...
3- and them some people said that we, the kpop fans are RUDE, xde adab.... ok i have to admit memang some of us ada yang mcm tu...but look at the reason why they reacted that way.... Dah org dok kutuk2 kite dgn artis kesayangan kite....peminat mana lah yg boleh tahan...kami pon manusia juga...sabar kami pon ade batasnya...kalau org x carik pasal...ade ke nmpak kitorg tiba2 je nk buat right??
4- dont say kpop lovers "terlalu mengagungkan muzik luar smpai xnk sokong music tempatan" my argument : mana u all tahu kitorang x sokong? hello u guys stay dgn kitorang 24-7 ke?? ooo...kitorang minat kpop bising...kutuk2..habis tu group2 tempatan yg dok sibuk tiru kpop style tu siapa nak jawab? kalau tiru musical style boleh tahan yg perempuan dok tiru pakai skirt pendek baju x cukup kain, yg lelaki pulak dok tayang badan yang chocolate je tapi abs x ade...ha..pegila hentam diorg tu....yg tu lagi bahaya kot dari kpop fans... diorg tu artis nnti ramai bdk2 muda dok ikot...kitorang ni stakat duduk dalam bilik sumbat telinga dgr lagu kpop jugak yg korang nak attack....ini tidak adil....

Benci betul la bace blog org dok komen kutuk2 kpop fans....macam lah diorg kenal kitorang in real life... nak buat macam mana dah kitorang suke dgr lagu diorg..suke tgk live performances diorang...suke tgk diorg dalam variety and talk shows....nak salahkan ibu mengandung?? Dah la..enough is enough ok...there are a lot more issues out there that are much more worth to debate on... Kalau tak suke kpop diam2 je lah...jgn lah kutuk ape yg kami suka... We're human too...we have feelings...korang dok kutuk2 kitorang ingat kitorang xde perasaan?? Yelah nak bagi peringatan..nak bagi teguran...tak nak kami hanyut tp mcm mane u all tahu kami akan hanyut?? Nujum pak belalang ke? dah la...nanti sat lagi ade pulak org tulis dekat blog "peminat kpop x boleh di tegur"....isu lagi....

p/s : saya tetap suke kpop....

kalau tak suka kpop..............

kes si polan yang teruk diserbu, di kutuk oleh peminat kpop kerana perbuatan si polan mengutuk seorang kpop idol dalam blognya semakin hangat.... terbaru dgr kata keluarga si polan telah membuat laporan polis kerana beberapa komen yg berbaur ancaman telah dipos ke blog beliau....dan pada masa yg sama juga keluarga si polan mendakwa bahawa anak gadis mereka (si polan) telah dianiaya...seseorg yg tidak bertanggungjawab telah mengunakan nama dan gambar si polan meng'create' blog tersebut dgn tujuan untuk mengutuk kpop dan peminat kpop....(ok thats kinda childish)...
but what made me real~ly surprise is that the family are lodging a police report againts the kpop fans who posted their comments on that fake blog....(ehem...kalo saye pon kalo ade org dok kutuk artis kesayangan saya dgn bahasa yg sedemikian rupa, saya pun akan meletup tanpa berfikir panjang)..
in my opinion, if (i said IF) that girls really was framed, the family should make a police report againts the individual who created that blog first...bcoz that was where the whole drama started... i dont know about others opinion but thats what my 22 year old mind said....
saya juga peminat kpop dan walapon saya bukan hard-core fan B2ST (dimana kpop idol yg di kutuk itu adalah salah seorg ahli) terdetik jg dihati saya "eh minah ni aphal..kalo x suke diam2 j la" kenapa nak di canangkan ke seluruh dunia?? di tambah pula dgn bahasa yg cukup 'indah' mengutuk rupa paras kpop idol tersebut..peminat manalah yg x marah....
mmg la kasihan pada si polan (nam dan wajahnya digunakan) dikutuk di maki 100 kali lebih teruk... but look at the root of the problem...its not the kpop fans who started was that FAKE si polan...
Ok the point saya menulis entry ini adalah (in summary) :
1- kami kpop fans are not that scary (idiot), we wont cause u trouble if u didnt poke us first
2- org yg sepatutnya di bawa ke muka pengadilan adalah org yg membuat blog bersama entry tersebut (bcoz thats where the problem started)
3- kalau betul bkn si polan yg created that blog... kenapa nak stress?? anda di aniaya...sekarang satu Malaysia tahu cerita anda (happy la bro....popular kot)..Jangan la stress...kalo stress bwk la solat ke baca alquran ke....mintak ketenangan dari Tuhan (see not all kpop fans are bodoh and jahil)
4- anda tidak dibenarkan sama sekali mengambil atau meng"quote" apa2 dari entry ini...this is MY ENTRY....u can only read it from MY BLOG....
